Meet the 2023 Scholars
Get to know the hopes, dreams, and talents of this year's winners.

Justin S.
Undergraduate Recipient
"Write a letter to your younger self during a key moment in your life addressing one or more of the following: words of encouragement, lessons you have learned and/or challenges you have overcome."
Dear Justin, You are just about to start your senior year of high school, and I want to let you know that everything will work out. Having been out of public school because of your cystic fibrosis for the past 4 years, I know you are afraid that you won’t be able to fit in socially. However, as the last few days of my senior year are approaching, I want to let you know that it was all okay. On your first day of school, you will sit down at a seemingly random lunch table by yourself. As you pull out your phone, planning to blend into the background for the next forty-five minutes, three goofy guys will approach you and ask if they can sit there. You’ll immediately recognize one of them from the class you had the period before, but won’t say anything out of a ridiculous fear that you will seem desperate for friends. Luckily, he will point it out almost immediately, and you will be able to begin to let your guard down and start to make your first new friends in a long time. Over the next few weeks, you’ll learn that you all have the same enjoyment of golf and basketball. While at first, you will think of them as “just school friends”, that will change when they invite you over to play basketball one night, which is something that will excite you more than you are willing to admit. Throughout your senior year, you will continue to grow closer to your new friend group, both inside and outside of school. While I know how difficult it was for you to go back to public school, I want to assure you that you will be fine as long as you continue to put yourself out there socially. Now, as I begin to prepare to go to NYU for the next four years, I am faced with a similar situation as you are about to go through. However, luckily everyone else will be dealing with the same fears and anxiety as me. So long as I keep the same attitude as you had this year, I am confident that I will be able to fit in and thrive in New York City. Just like you will do, I promise to do everything in my power to find a supportive and funny group of friends. Good luck, Future Justin
Justin S.'s Artwork
Justin S.'s Achievements
- Honor Roll, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022
- National Society of High School Scholars
- Delaware Dance Festival $300 cash award, 2020
- Charlotte Ballet Full Tuition Scholarship (did not attend due to COVID), 2020
- Pennsylvania Youth and Government, 2020-2022
- Future Business Leaders of America, 2022-2023
- Pennsylvania Regional Ballet, 2019-2020
- Shamaine Daniels for Congress, 2022
- Cumberland Valley High School Mock Trial, 2022-2023