Meet the 2024 Scholars

Get to know the hopes, dreams, and talents of this year's winners.

Lola F.


"Describe a defining moment in your journey with CF that sparked personal growth or resilience. How did this experience affect you and what did you learn from this moment?"

I have been an advocate for the cystic fibrosis community since before I can remember. My older brother also has CF so technically, I was attending CF events before I was born. I didn't really understand that having CF made me different. It wasn't until fourth grade that I realized how different I was. As an advocate for the CF community, I have given speeches to hundreds of people at many events for the CF Foundation. But the speeches I was most nervous about were those I gave to my school. Every year of elementary school, I spoke about my struggles with CF and the accomplishments I've achieved despite it. I shared my story to encourage students and their families to donate money to the CF Foundation for a cure for CF. I explained my hour-long treatment regimen, the daily pills I take, and the extra care it takes to keep me healthy and out of the hospital. I felt vulnerable but excited and proud to be raising money. But there were kids at my school who were insensitive to the challenges I faced. Some teased and mocked me for having CF and it was regular for me to get made fun of and excluded from PE, recess, and after-school sports because I couldn't keep up with the other kids during physical activity. I truly realized that I was different from the other kids, and throughout elementary and middle school, I disguised my CF the best I could; I didn't talk about it, I didn't take pills around my friends at lunch, and I was embarrassed to have people at my house see my lung treatment machines. I was self-conscious and resistant to being in the CF community. Despite all the amazing support and opportunities I've experienced because of CF, I kept them to myself so I wouldn't just be the weird CF kid. It wasn't until high school that I felt comfortable with my condition, and that was because of the understanding and support of my best friends. They treated me like everyone else and saw my CF not as a hindrance, but as a part of me and my identity. Their comfort and casualness with my symptoms and treatments helped me see that CF is not something I should hide or be embarrassed about. Additionally, the huge community of people with CF showed me courage and perseverance through their medical journeys online and at fundraising events. Since then, I have been reintroducing myself to advocacy that I missed out on because of my fear. I know now that nothing can make me ashamed of being different and having to work hard to keep up with my peers. In fact, this May, I am the CF representative at a new pin-up campaign at a national ice cream chain where I have worked for 2 years. Go get some Handel's Ice Cream and make a donation to the CF Foundation!

Lola F.'s Artwork

Lola F.'s Achievements

  • Selected to be featured in Vertex's Paul Negalescu's documentary for The Shaw Prize Award, 2022
  • Volunteer, San Diego Public Library 2023-present
  • Youth in Action Award 2021
  • Teacher Assistant, English 2022-2023
  • Vertex Pharmaceuticals, guest speaker, multiple events
  • Speaker, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation events, multiple
  • Ice Cream Scooper, Handel's Ice Cream, 2022-present
  • Secretary, Photography Club, Westview High 2023-present
  • Teen Advocacy Day, 2021, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation