Meet the 2021 Scholars
Get to know the hopes, dreams, and talents of this year's winners.

Emma J.
Undergraduate Recipient
"Living through a global pandemic with a chronic illness, what is one piece of inspirational advice that you would give to other students with CF who are in the same or similar position?"
"Sometimes it's ok if the only thing you did today was breathe". This is a quote I have seen before, but I find it especially powerful living through a pandemic that changed everyone's lives. On many occasions this past year, we have been faced with overwhelming adversities and things turning out differently than we would have hoped. Not to mention, living with a chronic illness puts you at a greater risk of getting sick with COVID-19, so we have had to be extra careful to stay healthy. Many cystic fibrosis patients were already professionals at taking proper care of themselves, but the pandemic required additional sacrifices even we had to adjust to. Sometimes this past year I have found myself going to bed unsatisfied with my day because I felt it would have been much better if we weren't in a pandemic. While these feelings are valid, you shouldn't beat yourself up for not having as much "fun" or being as seemingly productive compared to usual. Making it through each day healthily is an accomplishment. Adapting to rapidly changing circumstances takes strength and resiliency. Students with cystic fibrosis should be proud of themselves for managing these things and power through knowing this makes them successful, even when other activities are on pause.
Emma J.'s Artwork
Emma J.'s Achievements
- Sales Associate, Lands' End (June 2020-present)
- Kappa Alpha Theta, Member (February 2020-present)
- Varsity Soccer
- UD Access: Ability Scholar, (Fall 2019-present)
- Commended Status from National Merit Scholarship Corporation (2018)
- Mu Alpha Theta Math Honors Society (2019)
- University of Delaware Dean's List
- Great Strides "Emma's Team", Team Leader
- National Honor Society (2018-2019)