Meet the 2023 Scholars
Get to know the hopes, dreams, and talents of this year's winners.

Cameron G.
Undergraduate Recipient
"Write a letter to your younger self during a key moment in your life addressing one or more of the following: words of encouragement, lessons you have learned and/or challenges you have overcome."
Dear 13-year-old Cam, Right now, you’re about a month into your latest CF flare up. I remember this one feeling a lot more serious – struggling to make it up the stairs, a never ending flow of antibiotics through your picc line, having to miss your best friend’s birthday since you were stuck in the hospital. While you’re holed up in your room, it feels like everyone else is moving on with their lives, leaving you behind. I know it feels lonely, like the end of the world. I hope you realize that the time you’re spending healing is not in vain! Take the time to do your treatments right, to rest as much as you can, to indulge in your hobbies and maybe discover some new ones. Keep binging Pretty Little Liars, reading every book on your bookshelf, and spending quality time with family. Overcoming this challenge will make you forever grateful for the health and success you’re going to experience in the future. You’re going to accomplish things you never thought were possible! Having to take so much time off of school is really hard for you right now. 7th grade biology is where we first discovered our love for science. I promise you that even though you feel behind now, our love for learning will carry us over any bumps on the path to our career. Once you are well enough to go back to school, the determination and hard work you’ll put into your academics will be incredible, and we’ll carry that work ethic with us throughout high school. You’ll work hard enough to get into your dream school for your dream major (yes, I’m talking about UNC Chapel Hill for biochemistry!) It turns out, college courses in Genetics, Anatomy and Nutrition are even more fascinating than middle school science – I promise that now, missing 7th grade biology doesn’t feel as devastating. Don’t give up on your friendships, and know that those you’ll form later in life are going to be absolutely amazing. Many of your middle school friends you feel are slipping away from you are still incredible friends in your college years, plus all of the unique, kind, and funny people you’ll meet at UNC! I promise, your friends aren’t too busy for a facetime or a stop by your house – don’t be afraid to reach out. Most of all, don’t take your family’s love for granted. They have devoted themselves to taking care of you in your time of need, and they’ll be your biggest supporters throughout every milestone, whether CF-related or not. Cherish every moment you get to spend with them, even during this challenging time. Know that the hardest part about going to college will be leaving your family in New Jersey! Cameron, you are going to grow up to become someone you’ll love and be proud of. You will beat this sickness, and you’ll come out so much stronger than you were before.
Cameron G.'s Artwork
Cameron G.'s Achievements
- Medical Scribe in the Morristown Medical Center Emergency Dept, 2023
- EMT-B, 2023
- Cystic Fibrosis Research in the UNC Kreda Laboratory, 2022-2023
- Organic & General Chemistry Peer Mentor, 2022-2023
- Art Volunteer in the UNC Children's Hospital, 2022-2023
- Social Chair for UNC Alpha Chi Sigma Chemistry Fraternity, 2021-2023
- Varsity Cross Country Runner, Captain, 2018-2021
- UNC Dean's List, 2021-2022
- UNC Buckley Public Service Scholar, 2021-2023
- Spanish Seal of Biliteracy Recipient, 2021
- Medical Scribe in the Morristown Medical Center Emergency Dept, 2023
- EMT-B, 2023
- Cystic Fibrosis Research in the UNC Kreda Laboratory, 2022-2023
- Organic & General Chemistry Peer Mentor, 2022-2023
- Art Volunteer in the UNC Children's Hospital, 2022-2023
- Social Chair for UNC Alpha Chi Sigma Chemistry Fraternity, 2021-2023
- Varsity Cross Country Runner, Captain, 2018-2021
- UNC Dean's List, 2021-2022
- UNC Buckley Public Service Scholar, 2021-2023
- Spanish Seal of Biliteracy Recipient, 2021